

Monday, 7 January 2013

Modern dentistry

I had to get a wisdom tooth extracted over the weekend. You know one always feel so nervous while heading to the dentist. I keep telling myself that I can do this...I've experienced and survived intense labour pangs and managed quite well (bar the yelling, as S reminds me, but that's a story for another day!!). Ads had to have a dental checkup too so I took him along.
Now this is one of those nice swanky places which charge you an arm and a leg. The upside is, courteous staff, coffee and tea on call, current magazines, piped music and those funky colourful chairs and equipment specially for kids. Ads was asked to lie down, given a pair of headphones and asked which channel he would like to watch while he was being examined. The LCD screen was stuck to a false ceiling a few feet above his head! He asked for Nat Geo. The doc said "Oh don't you want to watch cartoons?" Ads promptly replied "Cartoons don't give you any knowledge." Yeah that's his thing now. Knowledge. The lovely fiction books that I bought for him lie untouched since they are clearly for knowledge-unseeking folks!
I was forced asked to watch TV too. Unwisely, I gave in and agreed. The thing is, it all seems a little callous to me. It looks as though I couldn't care less about the state of my teeth if I'm watching Seinfeld while the dentist is busy drilling away. I mean, it's not like I'm getting a pedicure done! Half the time you can't see the screen anyway because the doc is bending over your mouth. You can't very well tell her "Hey doc, do you mind moving your hand, I'm missing all the punch lines here?" And then I dropped the remote every single time I moved forward to rinse and the doc had to bend and pick it up.
They did have some very advanced stuff to inject the local anaesthesia. Or maybe it's not advanced at all - it's been more than 7 years since I've been to a dentist for anything other than a routine check. I thought the injection would hurt, instead she used a vibrator on the gums while she injected and I felt nothing more than a teensy-weensy prick. The senior doc then came along and very casually wrested the tooth out. I felt a small tug and that was it.
Hail modern medicine! A 100% painless tooth extraction in the time it gets to watch an episode of Modern Family :)


  1. Sounds like you could do with some First hand experience tips..... :) :)

  2. Wow, that's news to me too. I have one "not urgent" wisdom tooth extraction pending too, probably time to get it done :).

    1. Better get it done. My dentist suggested I have it done 6 months ago but I waited so long and in the end was forced to rush to the doc since I was in so much pain.

  3. Wow, that sounds like one swanky dentist's office indeed! :)

    I can't concentrate on TV even while I am getting a pedicure done. So, you can imagine how antsy I would be while getting a tooth extraction done! Thankfully, haven't had to get any so far. *Touchwood*

    Yep, kudos to modern technology that gives us painless teeth extraction! That is something, now!

    LOL @ cartoons do not give us knowledge. So cute!

    1. I guess its good for kids. They seem to get distracted alright! For adults - not so much :)

  4. Wow, TV @ dentist is a first one for me. Must've been some experience. I like the line - Cartoons don't give you any knowledge:)

    1. Yeah, think about it..they don't ....but I tell advaith they teach u about what NOT to do sometimes :)

  5. Lucky you! I heard an ordeal last year in Chennai! This place seems really nice though!

    remember my post: wisdom hurts?

  6. Replies
    1. Ah I remember...with sanjay's fav dentist! :)

  7. Enjoyed the read. Which dentist was this? I'd want to catch a SEinfeld rerun too.

  8. I am one of the lucky ones *touch wood* I have never had to visit a dentist till date :) Glad this tooth extraction was not a bit painful!!

    1. Thanks Divya. Touchwood and I hope u never do have to visit the advanced as they are nowadays.

  9. Wow! Yep technology has advanced so much.. I am yet to have my wisdom teeth pulled out which has decided to come out horizontal rather than vertical..ouch! Anyways your post is encouraging.

    1. Oh..that doesn't sound do good!! But it will be painless so get it done soon :)

  10. I've had to have three wisdom teeth extracted, coz they were growing horizontally instead of vertically and I have a small jaw. The fourth one is creeping up, in a normal manner so far.

    So with all this wisdom that I have gained, I can say one thing ... thanks to modern technology, I actually enjoy my visits to the dentist. Kick back, lie down and relax. ;-)

    1. absolutely :)
      You seem to be a veteran of wisdom teeth extraction :)

  11. oooh! I had the same thought when I went to the dentist for my wisdom tooth extraction post baby... If I could handle labour pain I could do anything... suffice to say I was good entertainment for all those around that day...


  12. hehe... reminds me i shud visit the dentist too.. ! and which dentist is this.. sounds too chic!

  13. My trip to the dentist is pending for sometime now. I need a clinic like this one. ;)

    1. I guess they abound in all the metros...just have to find them! :)

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