

Thursday 13 December 2012

Things I learnt about my son in school

 1. His nickname in class is "Encyclopaedia". Go figure - it shouldn't be difficult :)
2. His pasta is of course very popular among classmates. There's another boy in class whose mom makes great cakes, so I have been asked to out-do her and send a cake for snack tomorrow. Apparently my chocolate chip muffins and banana bread aren't good enough :)
3. He's a lot more assertive and outgoing than I thought he would be. It was quite a surprise! I could hear his voice overriding some others while we were conducting the spelling bee, and once he started arguing with another girl and the teacher had to shush him.
4. Apparently he passes the time by cleaning the classroom floor with a ruler, and plays goofball by falling onto the floor and rolling around whenever they have no teacher supervising. YUCK!!  

The things one learns!

On another note, this is the complete list of all the birds we saw in Bharatpur :)



  1. He has a lovely handwriting, neat, legible and clean lines for his age..
    He's shaping up wonderfully..I can see the mom puff up in pride :-)

    1. Yup writing is good...of course I still crib to him about it...:)

  2. Wow! That is a big list... did you see them all?
    I am amazed at his patience in neatly writing down the list. The visit was certainly worth seeing his interest in birds :)

    1. Yes we saw all of these..In fact I am sure we saw more but he has forgotten the names. I'm surprised he remembered these many.

  3. Wow, that is a long list of birds. Lucky that you could get to see so many. :) And after seeing that list, I have no doubts about why your son is called 'Encyclopedia'. :D

    Whatever is a 'laughing dove'? I am intrigued now. Should google to find out.

    Very sweet post. :)

  4. That's a cute and apt nickname Encyclopedia:) Does he like it? You guys must have risen up pretty early in the morning to see so many of them birds. Nice to see you saving this list.

    1. I think he's quite proud of the name!
      WE actually went to the sanctuary post lunch and spent about 4 hours there. Apparently dawn and dusk are the best times. Given that it's getting cold now, we decided on the latter.

  5. The points 3 and 4 made the most impression on me, the rest is all expected from Ads that we have got to know through your blog :).

    That is an impressive list of birds, and for Ads to have written it down so neatly, even more impressive. I have no hope that either of my kids are going to be the organized kind, after all they have me for an example!

    1. Ha ha aparna...organization isn't everything. In these times, its all about creativity and thinking out of the box! :)


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