

Thursday, 4 July 2013

And again!

Yesterday's gem -
Amma, is Gay a bad word?
I hastily explained that it is not a bad word at all, and demanded to know where he had heard the word (in the school bus apparently, where a couple of kids called Ads and his best friend 'gay').
Who are these kids?????
The list of words/concepts/issues I need to explain to Ads in a simple and age-appropriate manner grows longer by the day! Can't keep distracting him for much longer, I guess :)


  1. Sigh! Parenting is such a tough job!

  2. My daughter told me about 'lesbi'. Some kid in school was calling her and her friend that because they are always together! Like I said earlier, did not offer explanations, just told her it is another of those impolite words we just don't use. For now, it is at that stage.

    1. Same here. Its actually harder for me to tell him not to use words like idiot and fool cos everyone else around him uses them - ALL the time. Simple manners, not being rude - so tough!

  3. The problem is that often even the name callers don't know the meaning themselves but have picked up some negative connotation of the word from someone they overheard. E.g. overhearing an adult sniggering over someone's dress sense/taste/behavior etc. - 'that is so gay!' Now, you are loaded with the bigger problem of how to tackle this. Explain something like homosexuality which you feel he may not be ready for..or ..what? Maybe that the word itself is not impolite and that his name callers are mistaken to use it as an insult? The way its not nice to call someone retarded. Either way its going to lead to lots more questions...

    gosh i dont envy you, but its going to be my turn very soon...

    maybe watch 'modern family' with him, to ease into the conversation? if you are planning to have the conversation that is..

    1. into anything is going to lead to more questions :) Right now, I give a correct - but not full - explanation - and hope he leaves it at that. All channels of communication open!

  4. Damn kids start on this stuff early :(... I have been hearing a little of boyfriend/girlfriend talk usually referring to older kids.. think I have to have more discussions with D!!


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