

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Adieu and hello

There are some who'd like to give me a hard kick in the backside for saying this (read all my friends and relatives who are Delhi-haters and would like nothing better than to move down south/west but are stuck in NCR for various reasons). I had tears in my eyes after I handed over our apartment keys to the landlord and was on my way home to our Gurgaon hotel. As the movers were packing away, quite efficiently and obviously needing little or no input from me, I indulged in some reminiscing and grew all mopey thinking of the wonderful times we had in the last 3 years. Sure, there have been some lows, and I'll be the first to admit that for a non-native to live in NCR can be incredibly challenging and frustrating.
But people make all the difference and we struck pay dirt in that department. So many friends, lovely helpful people who enriched our lives immeasurably. Ads was using my phone to text one of his school friends. They promised to keep in touch through fb and skype (Aside: He asked me when he could have  a fb account - I pretended not to hear him!).
The friend texted: Friends forever.
Ads texted back: Yes. Friends forever.
The exchange has been running in my mind like a repetitive track all through the last few days.  Friends forever? I don't think so. Not when you are 7 and will in all likelihood never meet each other again. And when I was driving to the hotel, the thought again brought tears to my eyes. Lost and broken friendships, the pattern of my life and it seems, the pattern of my kids' lives as well.
My ever-unflappable and practical husband asked me to be more positive, not realizing that I just needed a day or two to collect myself and miss the good times. Soon I will be able to collect them all and store them away in memory, to be relived and smiled over again and again in the future. 
To be so sad at leaving one home, yet so happy to be entering another - aren't I lucky?? :)


  1. Relocating can be tough....Having packed bags and memories once in three years in past, I can really understand. But you adjust faster than you can imagine. Wishes for Happy Bangalore stay...

  2. I understand that relocating can be tough, but as you yourself said, in your guest post, it gives you so much experience! It makes you a better person. It equips you to face life in a much better way!

    All the very best with the move!

  3. I try to be emotionally detached when saying goodbyes too, not easy! Re Ads and his friend, cute, they have a lifetime of friends and friendships before them, and memories around them. Makes me look back at the times we've moved...

    1. That's what my husband says too....look forward not behind.

  4. You are lucky indeed to have made good friends in Delhi. Hope it continues in Bangalore!
    And I suspect 'friends forever' is prob going to happen. In this age of too much connectivity you can never have the romance of wondering whatever happened to your childhood friend.

    1. Hadn't thought of it that way, but yeah you are right.

  5. In today's world, quite possible to be friends helps (with adult supervision all the way...FB what?! :-))

    I wouldn't be able to deal with moving with the grace you do. You've got the right to be mopey for as long as it takes!

    Welcome to Bangalore! :-D

    1. Thanks Sangitha :) Like what u say about new-age "friends forever"!!

  6. You are lucky indeed! :) And blessed in so many ways! To leave a place feeling sad that you have to leave because you have such good memories is in itself such a blessing...
    Wishing you all many more wonderful memories in the next place!

  7. Hehe after all the warnings I got about kids and social media after my last post, the question from Ads brought a smile to my face.
    Friends forever is such a sweet thing to say, and I hope when he starts using social media, they'll get back and stay in touch :).
    Welcome to Bengaluru!


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