

Thursday 29 July 2010

Mommy's little helper - or not

I tried to get Y to help me with some chores around the house. She was bored, I had work to do and I needed to keep her occupied. Realized very soon that it's an activity more suited for a child older than two and a half. She kept misunderstanding me and wanting to play rather than help! What we got out of it was a) One very messy bed b) Several clothes-pegs that got flung from the 4th floor onto ground floor. Bonus: She got into the swing of things and threw some of Ads' toys downstairs, prompting a screaming fit from that child.
Remind me not to try to engage Y in "constructive" tasks from now on :(


  1. What was her reaction to Ads screams?

  2. he was screaming?!! she didn't even bother. in fact she asked him to say sorry to her. of all the cheek!


I would love to hear your thoughts :)