

Sunday 11 April 2010

Ad-lib #4

Ads has developed a disease of smelling his fingers. And what's more, I hear a running commentary on what he is smelling. He also quite unnecessarily asks me whether he can do it, after he has done it! Some examples:
I washed my hands and smelt my hand. Can I do it?
I touched Y's face and smelt my hand. Can I do it?
I touched my feet and smelt my hand. Can I do it?
I digged (dug) my nose and smelt my hand. Can I do it?
...............and several more unsavoury instances of having touched other parts of his body and thereafter smelt his hands :(
Both Ads and Y have also developed the habit of hitting themselves. It's a big game with them. One starts by banging his/her head with his/her hand and shouting "Adi!!" (Hit). The other follows suit and each one hits himself or herself, the whole macabre game accompanied by much laughing, mostly at my annoyed expression I suppose.

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