This morning, I took Ads and Y out to Round Table Pizza. They have tours of the kitchen and the kids can make their own pizza. A bunch of us moms met there for some gupshup and pizza. The gupshup doesn't happen so much, since most of the women have two kids hanging onto them; but sometimes you can speak a few sentences to each other inspite of all the noise and mayhem! They showed us their huge walk-in refrigerator, their dough-making machine and oven. The kids got to choose their toppings and were allowed to spread it on their pizza, which was then chucked into the oven to bake. Ads was quite interested in the whole process. Predictably, he panicked a bit when I stepped away from him for a nanosecond to click a photograph of him preparing his pizza. So I didn't manage to get a snap after all.
He managed to finish most of his personal pan pizza and I mopped up the remains. Y was a very interested onlooker. The high decibel and activity level kept her awake and engaged.
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