

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Ad-lib #8

Ads has got back home after a long day at school. He's at the dining table sipping his afternoon cuppa milk. And out of the blue: 
"Amma, do you want another baby?"
Before I can gather my wits together to respond, he carries on.
"If I was old enough to care for it, amma, and feed it and bathe it and wipe it's potty, maybe you could have had another one, no, amma?"
I respond: "And how will I go to work if there is a new baby at home?"
He thinks. "You can send it to daycare, amma. Or you can get a new maid. Or you can send us all to Chennai and thatha and naani will look after us."
I have a sneaky feeling this whole new baby business is just a ploy to leave me and go live in Chennai!
He ends with an excited "If you had 10 or 11 children like your paati, then you don't need to call any of my friends to my birthday party because there will be so many kids at home!"
Buddy....if I had 10 or 11 children, then you'll definitely have to go and live in Chennai because your mom won't be alive :) Or maybe I'd have just run away, far faaaar away :)


  1. Hahahahaha... can just imagine this scene.. 10 or 11 children in today's world. Most people I know have 1 and say to me "How do you manage 2?" in an awed tone of voice ;).

    1. When I hear of this number, I immdly think of those american reality shows featuring the really large families. The name slips my mind.

  2. Hi Aparna,

    I am delurking for the first time...I chanced upon your blog a month ago and thoroughly enjoyed all your posts...

    ha ha am sure Ads will rofl when he is old and looks at this :)

    1. Hi simplethoughts!! Thanks for stopping by, and de-lurking :) I do hope that ads enjoys these posts when he grows up...instead of just being embarrassed!

  3. LOLOLOL...gosh..the last line had me totally rofl!
    and am one of those people Apster mentioned- in awe of people with 2 kids...:-)
    so, Aparna, maybe now that Ads is old enough to take care of a baby....what say??;-)

    1. Uma...arre....go ahead, think I'm weird...but I'd love to have 3 kids. That's my ideal family size :) But figured that if I want a life, I better stop now...and also, how will we fund expensive NZ vacations then? :))

    2. are the goddess of patience then *falls at feet*..:-)

    3. No no....just a glutton for punishment. I want one more person to scream at :)

  4. LOL! Ads ideas are superb! And he doesn't want to stop at one more baby either :)

    1. I about ambitious scaling up :)

  5. I agree with Ads - totally!

    Considering some of us here are scared about taking the plunge into the first one...please show us the way :D.

    1. Ha ha I replied to Uma above, I seem to be a glutton for punishment. And I'm not showing anybody the took me 5 years, u think I have any locus standi to advise :)

  6. 10 or 11? OMG!!! Great idea for him (now).. but don't forget to ask him the same question when he is grown :)
    He is cute!

    1. Hi Geeth, yup it does seem like a great idea (for him) doesn't it?

  7. ha ha ha! i can so imagine Ads solemnly releasing these bombshells! And i am all for the notion :D


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