

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Tremors NOT caused by Ads

I got a short one-word sms from S yesterday. It just said "Earthquake". He was at work and had felt a small quake. I had just gotten back home after some errands, with Ads in tow (we kept him home from school because of a bad cold) but hadn't felt anything. A little later, I went to S's closet to hang up some of his clothes and noticed that two of his belts and our cold-weather clothes had all fallen down to the closet floor, apparently due to the tremors. We live right next door to a Caltrain station and sometimes things in the apartment shake when a train passes by. I suppose that's why I didn't notice anything unusual.
I simply HAVE to do something about our disaster preparedness. It is on the top of my things-to-do list and hopefully I will get a disaster kit in place by the end of this month.

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