

Monday, 26 November 2012

Little milestones

Some milestones and inflexion points attained over the last couple of months. Some minor, some major, some that still need work!
1. Ads' slight OCD behaviour continues! I'm not complaining since he's been channeling it in ways that are largely in my favour. For example, he gets back from school and will not have his milk unless he has cleared away his lunch box, put away his shoes, thrown his uniform into the laundry basket and compulsively tidied up the shoes/sandals that are lying all over the place - these belong to Y and me since we would have entered the house just a few minutes before him :) Never mind that some days he is so hungry and tired when he gets back from school and I'm yelling for all I'm worth - Leave it. We'll clear it up later. But nope!
2. Y has begun dressing/undressing on her own, with some help from me with buttons and such. She's become tall enough to reach her closet all by herself, which of course does not help when she holds up a highly unsuitable party frock (which I had hidden right at the bottom of the pile!) to go play in the park :)
3. The kids finally finally started sleeping on their own. This is a biggie. We have taken years to transition from rocking them, holding them, cuddling them, telling them stories, and generally having an unnecessarily long and involved bedtime routine. Now they get tucked in, a short cuddle if they want or a nice long hug and kiss to both, and I am out of there! 8 pm Zindabad! 
When S is in town, it's back to the good old days - he prefers to huddle/cuddle with them all night while I'm happy in the guest room by myself. But atleast we know the kids can sleep on their own and that helps me sleep better at night :)
4. Mealtimes are more streamlined. Ads seems to be dropping less food on the ground and more into his mouth. Y, who was always far less messier but much slower and fussier than Ads, dawdles less over her plate and is more malleable to trying out new kinds of food.
5. I've been doing less with Ads on the homework front as well. He has to tell me what's in his almanac for the day and if there is some homework or some activity that I have to help him with. If he doesn't let me know - too bad, cos it doesn't get done!
6. While Ads has been going to the school bus-stop and back home from the bus-stop for quite some time, I never realized that he did not want me with him. I wasn't able to go with him, not out of choice, but out of necessity. But one day, when I had S at home to keep an eye on Y, I offered to accompany him and he refused. When this happened multiple times, I pressed him for the reason. He hemmed and hawed. Finally he whispered - Amma, you talk to me in front of everybody in Tamil!! It's so embarrasing!!!
I've been meaning to jot down these updates for weeks now, but was jolted into action after getting inspired by Aparna's post here. Thanks, Aparna! 


  1. Nice one Aparna, I'm glad you put it all down :). And I'm all for that "good" type OCD anytime, doesn't seem to occur around my household though!
    On the sleeping together, I seem to be getting a bit regressive, just as S started sleeping quite well in the pull-out bed in the same room as D, I seem to take the slightest excuse(slight cold etc) and pull him to my bed to "observe" ;). I better watch out, don't I!

    1. Oh u are the same as my husband....terrible...suckers, both of u :))

  2. Number! (that's all my groggy and sleepy self could register :D)

    1. Errr....U DO realize its been 7 years right? :)
      I'm hoping u'll do better!

  3. Ads sounds a bit like Big G. She so hates mess(well, most of the times) that she will not let her sister take any toys/books so nothing becomes messy!! Things will soon get better. And one day you'll be reading this with a smile.

    1. Good for u, not so good for lil G I guess :)

  4. Lovely and happy milestones, these are, right?
    Oh I wish R develops a slight (just a little) OCD will be easier having a cleaner house :-) ;-)

    1. Ha ha ha...I'll wish it happens for you and R :)

  5. Awwwwww, such a cute milestone post. :)

  6. Lovely post. And how it fills me with hope :)



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