

Monday, 26 November 2012

Balle Balle(t)!!

Y has been attending a baby ballet class in Gurgaon for the last four or five months. I enrolled her for a lark, because she loves dancing and because I thought performing on stage would make her more confident and less of a shrinking violet.
She’s been bunking half the classes this semester thanks to our crazy travelling and weekend breaks, which, given how expensive ballet classes are, has made me feel very guilty indeed! Barring the first couple of classes, I did not get to see what she had been learning since the moms and dads were shooed away from the 30 minute class every week (we were too much of a distraction for some of the kids!). Yesterday was the end-of-semester performance in New Delhi. The baby ballerinas had a 10-minute segment to perform on stage and my darling was phenomenal (ok......I exaggerate....but just a little bit!).
No stage fright whatsoever. Lots of confidence.  A good amount of grace and sense of rhythm. Since the kids are so young, they had their teacher on stage taking them through the steps. She could have smiled more (but that’s just me nit-picking). Most important, she seemed to be having a good time.
I was clicking away furiously and got lots of photos but the video I shot has mysteriously disappeared! This semester is over but she will hopefully continue in the KG Ballet class come January. Ads has also started Carnatic music lessons from last week so we are no longer culture philistines in this household :)


  1. Wonderful post aparna. Great that Y has picked up so well in spite of missing classes. Way to go Y. Share the pics if it is ok.

  2. Oh, lovely! That's good to hear! loved the title too:) Big G too has a ballet performance slotted for Feb, keeping fingers crossed.

    1. Oh good luck with that, Chatty wren! How long has she been learning for?

    2. Thanks, she started this September!

  3. Awwww. Good to know. :)

    Ballet has always fascinated me. Never knew anyone who did it, though.

    Would love it if you could put up some pics of the performance, if you don't mind.

    1. I'm out of space...:(( Any idea how to upgrade and not have to pay? :)

    2. Not sure. You could try deleting some of your old pics which are no longer in use.

  4. Loved the photo on FB too Aparna, she looks so cute. D seems to love her ballet classes too, such typical girls :).

    1. Thanks Aparna. I guess its the pink sparkly costumes that do it for them :)


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