

Friday 25 November 2011

I don't know how she does it

After a long time, I enjoyed, really enjoyed, a book. The type of enjoyment that comes when you are nodding along with the author at every page, when you have so many OMG moments (as in: OMG!!! She could be talking about ME!). "I don't know how she does it" by Allison Pearson did that for me. Note of caution: The only only reason I probably enjoyed the book so much is because I could identify, if not myself, then many of my friends, in so many of it's pages. So, nope, I am not setting the book up for universal popularity here :) I remember reading "Bridget Jones's diary" back when I was 24 and giggling over it and thinking what a wonderful read it was. I recently tried to read it again and all I could think of was "What crap is this. How did I ever enjoy this nonsense?" So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that there is a time and a place and a life-stage to enjoy any good book and I just happened to be right there for this one.
Okay, now that all disclaimers and caveats are out of the way....:)) 
I picked up the book because I saw a TV promo about an upcoming movie based on this book and it seemed interesting so I googled it and ordered a copy from the library. You can read about the book here at Amazon. In ways subtle and non-subtle, wise and crass, comic and tragic, poignant and flippant, the author sketches out the many many dilemmas of working mothers. The book is funny, sad, ironic, penetrating - often all in one page. It resonanted with me even as it brought back memories of my days as a working mother, and the struggles and frustrations of all the Kate Reddys I know.
I also ordered Samhita Arni's Mahabharata but before Ads and I could read more than a few pages, it had been requested and borrowed by a very eager 12-year old neighbour who is heavily into mythology and  history. Knowing a tween BOY who LOVES READING and loves HISTORY is such a pleasure that I promptly lent it to him. Now we wait for the book to come back before we can start on it.


  1. Wow! It really is a pleasure to see a young kid so genuinely interested in reading.. and that too, history. I am so glad you gave him the book. :)

    I have been seeing I Don't Know How She Does It in so many places, but somehow, I never felt like picking it up. I feel I will not be able to relate to it now. You are so right - at different stages of your life, you react to the same book differently.

  2. @thegalnxtdoor: Yes I'm glad too :)
    You're right abt the book - it caters to a niche audience - hence all my disclaimers :)

  3. "there is a time and a place and a life-stage to enjoy any good book"

    so true..the travails of motherhood-working or otherwise can only be understood by a fellow mother..

  4. Your take on re-reading Bridget Jones Diary - I must try it out.. haven't picked it up in years .. although I suspect I'll feel something similar :).

    Must try this one you've mentioned, sounds like fun! The last one I read was the total teen-read Inheritance(last of the series of the same name) by Christopher Paolini which I surprizingly quite enjoyed :).

  5. @Uma: TRue :)
    @Aparna: Are these the fantasy books that you had mentioned on your blog?

  6. Aparna, think the books I had mentioned were the Wheel of Time series, that's a long running one. This one is called the Inheritance series - the first one is Eragon which you might have heard of. Quite good - he wrote the first book when he was 17 years old (or something like that, too lazy to check exactly ;0).

  7. Very true what you say about some books being appreciated only if read at the right time. I tried reading this one when it initially came out and gave up after a bit. Just could not relate to it but I think some day I will


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