

Monday 12 August 2013

This place in time

It's nice to have babies, but it's nicer still to have older kids.
I don't have to read their face or gestures to guess what they want or what they're thinking. They can tell me. Brutally, frankly, truthfully, and sometimes even when I don't want to hear it!
I don't have to plan ahead for meals when we are going out. Some water and fruit does the trick. Sometimes I forget and it's ok.
They know my phone number so they can call me if they need to.
They get their own water and plates to the table, serve themselves, clear up, brush their own teeth, bathe themselves. None of this is perfect and free of spills but they are getting there.
We can go out carrying just a handbag, some napkins and a hand sanitizer.
They stay quiet when I need them to and they can entertain themselves.
I don't need to break my head over holiday itineraries any more because their needs are pretty much the same as mine.
They can tell me all about their day. It's invariably interesting and entertaining!
They mimic me and make fun of me and my quirks, and I love that.
They are my biggest critics but they forgive me every time. They are my biggest fans and I savour that because I know it might not last for much longer.
We went out with friends the other day. They have an infant and it was sad to see them take turns to eat while the other rocked the baby. S and I heaved a sigh of relief - those days are long gone for us!
Though last week I held an infant in my arms and it was something else. 
But yessir, its nice to have older kids :)


  1. I think they will always remain to be your ardent fans. Most people I know are a huge fan of their parents and it never fades away :)

  2. Now, i can't wait for Manya to grow up!

  3. Yes, yes, a complete yes! Love infants because I can hand them over after a whiff of baby lotion! :-)

  4. Yes, yes, a complete yes! Love infants because I can hand them over after a whiff of baby lotion! :-)

  5. I can understand your sentiments completely.It is a great relief for sure to have your kids growing up and becoming independent but then a string tugs at your heart somewhere saying "Do I really want to let them go?"

  6. haha.. I was thinking similar thoughts a few days back when I met the cutest 7 month old and was playing with him for a while. Somebody chirped up with "Don't you wish your kids were that age again?" and was surprised to hear a resounding "oh NO not at all!" from me ;).

  7. :) I was just doing yet another reworking of my 8-month old's meal timings when I read this. Someday...but I have realised I am no longer in a hurry to get there

    1. Even if u were anita, your little one isn't going to hurry up! None of us has any option but to enjoy the journey :)

  8. ;) true. But in his first month I would actually eagerly wait for each day to pass. And of course he did not oblige and hurry up

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  10. Hi there!

    It's a nice blog you got here :)

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    Please drop me an e-mail here: or send in your number or mailing id?

    Blogging is your thing. Keep at it. :)


  11. Hmmm hmmmm hmmmm
    Somehow, infants for me any day over older children. :D Maybe because I've haven't gone through all the ups and downs of raising an infant yet?

    1. Yup I think so!! :) Though, to each, his/her own...infants/babies are super-duper cute but they are also a lot of work.


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