

Monday 7 March 2011

Moving and movies

I've been feeling a little low lately. Partly, it's the impending move. Gurgaon is going to be the 6th city we've lived in, after our wedding in 2000; and we are moving to our 7th apartment. The whole process of packing, moving, setting up in a new place has lost some of it's allure! Partly, it's the first time I am really feeling a wrench at moving. One year ago, if someone had told me I'd feel depressed about leaving Noida, I'd have laughed in their face! But I really like it here. We have a few friends in the complex, I know where everything is, both the kids are in fabulous schools and it just seems like we're giving up a good thing to go 40 kms away and start all over again. Of course, there's no option because the 4-hour round commute every single day is killing S, but the very novel emotion of missing a city/place is contributing to my low mood. 
In addition, the looming exams are stress-inducing and the move at this time is taking up a huge chunk of my time and energy. It's been a long time since I took an exam and I think I've just lost confidence in my ability to  crack a test. The doomsday scenario - of having to repeat a year - is giving me sleepless nights. 
Ok folks, I'm just venting here - I am not the type to worry too much about anything but some days, I get all wound up and crazy! I reacted to the stress by watching three movies over the last week - The King's Speech, Vicky Christina Barcelona and The kids are all right. The last one was okay but I'm still wondering why it was in the running for an Oscar. Vicky Christina is actually the first Woody Allen movie I've seen and I loved it. And The King's Speech - brilliant. Watching films is not exactly the best way to pass exams as I'm sure you'll agree :) But now I'm feeling better for having gotten some R&R and all set to hit the books amidst the cartons and bubble wrap!


  1. Applaud you for your patience with moving! I shudder to think of moving. Its easy for me to tell someone to take all my stuff and I'll be glad to buy them all over again :D
    What exams are you taking?


  3. twee--twee---tweee---tweee

    birds around by head. Developmental studies.. Develop-Mental Studies...

  4. i should think Vicky Christina Barcelona's endorsement of the bohemian way of life would have helped with the stress.

    my grandmother says when you are stressed think of this, people before you have done it and it wouldn't require more than average intelligence and capability...which, we can safely assume, you have.

    It can actually work both ways. but it always calmed me down.

  5. Good luck with the exam. Am sure you will do well. Do elaborate on The kids are all right - want to watch it because it seemed like such an interesting topic.

    Ran away with husband one morning to see The King's Speech. A lovely movie.

  6. Hey Aparna,
    Found your blog via Parentree.
    incidentally, we are in Noida right now and moving house too.
    I know what you mean when you said, an year back you'd have laughed it off at the mention of depression over leaving Noida. I had the same notion. Not that I like it much now to feel depressed. But yes, we tend to get into a comfort zone and breaking out of it is always unsettling. And then, the schools and the whole system (house help etc).

    All the best with your shifting. Let's connect with each other in the blogosphere. :)

    I blog here -

  7. I was going to say 'I know you !!', till I notice Gorgeous Karma's 'Aparna' is not 'Gorgeous Karma' but you do share some commonalities:
    Noida to Gurgaon move almost around the same time,
    To an aptmt (that could just be the limitations that come with living in a large metro).
    Can well imagine the wear and that comes with a move especially one that comes in the midst of studies.
    These are just basic learnings that one goes through to be able to accept bigger 'changes' in life.
    You'll be just fine! Trust me!!
    Enjoy the process of starting all over again in a new aptmt, with new neighbors and a nicer ambience than Noida!
    Good luck with your move.

  8. @sumanya: well if i pass, u can be sure i am definitely going to say that it required MUCH MORE than average intelligence and capability :) if i don't, well, there'll be just a dignified silence ;) I know what u mean...i think i'll do okay.

  9. @*gorgeouskarma* - (I love the name!) Thanks for stopping by. Your blog looks super-interesting. I've added it to my reader and will start reading/commenting once the craziness is past :)
    @*abundant* - Thanks for reading, and the wishes. See you around :)

  10. Wow
    That's a lot going on there, brave woman.
    The very fact that you've decided to study with two kids in tow is, well, salaam-worthy.
    All the best -- for everything -- the strength and concentration to study, the strength to move and the openness to settle in a new place.

  11. Hey there dear.. I've been on a blog reading/writing lethargy so quite late getting here this time. All the very best for your move and your exams - Wow it's brilliant that you're taking them I can't imagine picking up a textbook on anything and making sense out of it, some days it's tough to make sense even out of fiction ;). Don't worry I'm sure that even with all the craziness around you'll definitely crack them!


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